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Western North Carolina has a strong and vibrant history based in craft. Our Appalachian heritage has instilled in us a deep respect for the resources around us and our artists have taken that respect and created beautiful work based in area traditions. There are dozens of opportunities in the Burnsville area to see this craft movement at play, any one of which will prove to be both family friendly and exciting.
Quilt Trails
Yancey County, and Burnsville in particular, has a vibrant history based in folk arts and crafts.
Visitors to the area may enjoy taking one of 7 different quilt trails, each one meandering through the beautiful countryside surrounding downtown Burnsville. Explore the quaint farm estates, the beautiful back roads, and the magic of the mountains.
Toe River Arts Council
Burnsville is home to some truly remarkable artists and craftsmen, many of whom open their studios to visitors who wish to learn more about the creative process. The Toe River Arts Council, located in downtown Burnsville, contains a gift shop where the works of local artists are featured. More information about the area, the local studios and the local
galleries can also be found there.
Penland School of Craft
The Penland School of Craft is a renowned center of craft education. Students from all over the world travel to study under Penland’s instructors and it is a true Burnsville treasure. Book and paper making, pottery, sculpture, glasswork, ironwork, and many more crafts are learned and practiced within the walls of this fantastic area resource. Visitors are welcome and encouraged anytime and access to the gallery, where visitors can view and purchase work made by artists associated with the school, is open 7 days a week.